Vídeňská 11 apartment building for Henceforth. and Siroky Real Estate
Hold my flowers

The astonishing reconstruction of a neo-baroque Vídeňská 11 apartment building had been the greatest challenge of the last year. The ornamental facade with overwhelming details meant hundreds of hours of 3D modeling. Apart from that, we needed horizon photos and drone footage.
Interior design by: SMLXL

The complex set of visuals and video for Siroky Real Estate kept half of the monolot team busy. Creating in cooperation with the marketing agency Henceforth. has been a forming experience in gaining a deeper insight into real estate marketing.

With a building like that, many people want to ensure that everything will be done with respect and care towards its historical value. Our project managers went through a hard test to ensure multilateral satisfaction.

We have learned so much from this project and already feel the smoother process with similar ongoing projects. We hope all the future owners of Vídeňská 11 will feel the genius loci we aimed to capture.