
Parking Garage Ostrava by Malý Chmel

Glass Block

  • title

    Parking Garage Ostrava

  • author

    Malý Chmel

  • location

    Ostrava, Czech Republic

  • year created


  • type


  • size


Malý Chmel designed the parking garage in the center of Ostrava for an architecture competition. We created two required cameras and additional images to capture the intriguing design in the best light. The final set of images is a mixture of full 3D images and photo composites.

Can a parking garage be a beautiful building? Malý Chmel left stereotypes behind and created a modern and bold construction with glass bricks. It was up to us to portray that the design blends well with the surroundings. Located right in the city center, behind the cathedral, we wanted to create an illusion that the parking garage had been standing here for years.