Mixed-used building in Casablanca by OUALALOU + CHOI
Under the dates

Mixed-used building in Casablanca, Morocco
Casablanca, Morocco
year created

There are projects that you cannot forget, even though they are more than two years old. What stands out about Oualalou + Choi’s mixed-use building? We loved the design, we really enjoyed working in a different environment than usual, and it was one of the first time we applied our sketching process to a billable project.

The clients only asked for two final images, yet we created sketches that we can present as “almost final”. This shows how much fun we had with the vegetation, the atmosphere, the curves of the building, and the overall merging of the photos and the render. We aimed for authenticity, and we feel that we have succeeded in adding micro-stories to most of them.

Looking at the project now, we still like how the final images and sketches look. We managed to establish the creative processes we still use today (with only minor changes). This project was the beginning of our sketching journey.